This event would not be possible if it weren't for the kindness of people. We have so many amazing volunteers lending their precious time toward making Caching for Kidneys the best it can be! Each year we are blown away by the wonderful individuals who step forward with a helping hand. We strongly believe that four hands are better than two and that six hands are better than four ... so if you want to reach out, please do so because you will be welcomed with an open heart and gracious smile. One of the other great things about the event is that, so far, nearly everything has been donated, which means that money raised goes directly to the Kidney Foundation of Canada!!!


"Faced with what seems like an impossible task, a group of folks will do well to remember the African proverb: When spider webs unite they can tie up a lion." Johnnetta B. Cole


Thank you to those people who have so generously given their time toward Caching for Kidneys.


He Said, She Said
in the Volunteer world
by Joan Perry, CAVS
Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital

"How can I be of help?" she asked,
"I have a good idea," he said,
"Here, hold my hand," she suggested,
"We'll do it together," they offered.

"We'll be right here until it's done."
"Let's do it this way, its more fun!"
"It's what we're here for it's no fuss."
"Call us back if you should need us."

"She needs our help, God bless her heart."
"Oh, I'm just glad to do my part."
"Walk with me, I'll show the way."
"Goodness no, I don't want pay."

"You can do it, I'll show you how."
"You need it when? I'll do it now."
"If you need anything I'm right here."
"Who am I? A volunteer."

To volunteer contact Leslie Dancey at (778) 835 - 3556 or