Mary and Larry Dancey

Mary and Larry Dancey

In 2007 Saskatchewan native Mary Dancey was faced with a unique form of renal failure called pAnca Vasculitis. She was told that her Kidneys were at a complete loss of function but, in that moment of undoubted fear, she raised her chin and asked, "what can I do?".

Mary proves that with strong will and desire comes greatness. While sharing a voice with the many other brave people facing this disease, she strives to promote the value of healthy living and healthy thinking; from this place of heart and passion rises her vision of empowerment and the birth of Caching for Kidneys.

"Caching for Kidneys is definitely a family event. The day I mentioned that I wanted to do this fundraiser, Larry and our kids, Nicole, Kris and Leslie stepped right up to do everything they could to help; these four people have been the determining factor in the success of Caching for Kidneys and also in my road to recovery. Their continual affirmations help to provide me with the courage I need to deal with being diagnosed with a life threatening illness. I am truly grateful for their support and for the many other people, circumstances, and events that are bringing joy into my life."